Bring back those old classic pinball games from yesteryear or offer the newest hi-tech versions-- we have many to choose from! We can create an arcade environment for the kid in everyone.
Hilarious motorized toilets on wheels are always a blast at any event and a real favorite with everyone, from kids to company directors. The Gotta Go Racers will see you speeding even further ahead of your competitors in Team Building events. Great spectator sport. Race course can be custom made for any venue, indoors or out. Set to Fit/no power required.
REMOTE CONTROLLED RACING & SOCCER Micro-Reality Race Cars-- Stock car racing the way it's meant to be! The radio remote controlled cars crash, spin and hit the wall - and keep going.
These arcade video games will appeal to any sports fan! We have team games like football, basketball & baseball, and solo sports like golf and boxing.
Looking somewhat like the storybook "Little Engine That
Could," the yellow, black, and red engine tows three passenger
cars. It captures the imagination of children and adults
alike. Rubber tires allows it to run on almost any flat
surface. The train can hold 15-20 people at a time.